Arithmetic designed a custom website for a new era of Edgar Development. Strategically filled with warmth, movement, and imagery of the human experience, the site brings life to an often cold industry. Designed to reflect back the values of those searching for a home, the site tells the story of Edgar’s human centred design philosophy and practice driving emotional connection.
Arithmetic’s strategy for Edgar’s site begins with imbuing a sense of life into its pages—to reflect back the deep values of those searching for a home. Imagery of daily life, emotion and connection are woven through each page to express the Edgar team’s human-centred and connection-led philosophy.
Expressions of and explorations of the meaning of home shape the central theme of the custom-loading animation, highlighting the human-centred practice of Edgar.
Experience the site:

Exploration and moments that delight the user—including an interactive gallery and subtle transition movements—reveal new details while custom neighbourhood sections invite the viewer to explore and envision what daily-life and home can look like through concise information design.
Arithmetic art directed and produced an editorial photoshoot of the Edgar team members that explores themes of ‘the architecture of a team’, the spaces we call home and the observer through an empowered human-forward lens.
Arithmetic developed copywriting and storytelling to forge a connection between the audience and the team behind their dream spaces—expressing their shared dreams and philosophies. The copy highlights the real individuals behind the team with personal quotes and reflections so that a deeper trust is formed. The team’s connection to the cities we call home is reflected through warm, empowering photography set in these shared places.