Natural Forms AW16

Through prop styling and creation, copywriting, art direction and photography we explore natural forms, the theory of light and contemplated colour and weightlessness throughout three seasonal collections with Native Shoes.

The Theory of Light SS16

The Theory of Light
Written by Margherita Porra, Creative director of Arithmetic
As the sun shines and a brilliant spectrum of colour dances across our path, we find ourselves drifting in a forward motion towards the theory that ‘light is time’ and the observation of the weight or weightlessness that it has on us.
In a sort of tinted mystery, light is the only way that time actually stands still – a true rarity There’s a preciousness in that scarcity – this is our inspiration. Follow along as we study the beauty in light and lightness, and pause as time slows down, if only for a single moment.
Light speed and star dust. We each experience the lure or dismay of how time can fly during the joyous of moments or drag in the dullest of times. Light is the exception. It stands still. The closer one gets to light speed, they will experience a slowing of time. It is said, that if we were to travel to some distant point in space and travelled faster and faster, only then would we approach the speed of light. Only then, would we know the effects of suspending time.
A still pool of water, a moment frozen in time and linger of a happy memory – these pockets of stillness in our life, illuminate our thoughts and invite us to pause. When we lean in to explore and study the connectedness of these beautiful breathes, we observe color and light reflecting in a quiet dance. Serving only to highlight the beauty present within our days.
The notion of light speed is romanticized through the sprinkling of stardust. In contrast to the stillness of light, energetic bursts of light speckle our chosen canvas as if it’s a cluster of shooting stars radiating from our creation.
With these musings in mind, we embark on a study of the union between time and weightlessness. The proved notion that light has no mass seems almost magical when we see the brilliance of colour that it can paint. It is weightless in nature, shape shifting as it floats to create, what we call time.
In a space where heavy things seem light and light particles join to build form. We explore and play with coloured odds and sods. What we find is illusionary. What appears to be one thing, is often not. Particles seem to be settling or building a form or perhaps they are floating away even though nothing is moving – blanketing the moment with a mood of awe. It is the ultimate sense of time slowing down and catching up with us through light and weightlessness – a marriage of contrasts.
So, maybe, just maybe, the key is to catch up with light… if only so that we can slow down just enough to see the beautiful spectrum of colour that is already infused into our life.
Future Perfect:
A Brilliant Spectrum
A Contemplation on Light, Colour and Weightlessness