We worked with the brilliant vegan chef and plant-based cheese connoisseur Karen McAthy and her talented team at Blue Heron on a rebrand to fully express the artisanal quality, science and compassion at the heart of the brand’s mission.
Whether you arrived here because you passionately care about being a part of the change our earth needs, or, a desire to eat more plants, or, perhaps, a deep love for all animals or simply because you love the taste of really good cheese—we welcome you and thank-you for working together with us, for tomorrow.
Eat it for the earth, eat it for the plants, eat it for the animals, eat it for pleasure.

Each cheesebox has a combination multi-level deboss/emboss. Colours on the front of the boxes communicate the key ingredients held within. The box design nods to the heritage of cheese packaging with refined typographic details and finishings. Inside the box is a gingham tray—an added layer of protection for when the cheeses are transported and merchandised in stores. The gingham is reminiscent of picnic blankets, a universally-known pattern that invites the nostalgia of community and sharing.

The clouds that we marvel at show us how small we are in the big scheme of things. This sense of scale humbles us and also holds reminders. The particles that we share and breathe circulate the Earth, traveling in the form of raindrops that form our clouds—the very things that strike awe in us as we gaze upward are constantly migrating, changing and shape-shifting from place to place, harmonizing the temperature of our Earth.

The space we share is the air we breathe. The cloud graphic acts as a reminder that we’re all connected. Clouds carry water around our planet in the form of tiny particles. These particles sustain us and give us life. We share them with each other, with the plants and with the animals. They are a metaphor for our responsibility to protect and maintain shared resources to ensure the future is bright. Clouds give us the gift of perspective-taking.